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No Sew Mask Hack & The Way We Donate To Essential Workers


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TristinStyling is a Chicago-based life styling company specializing in fashion styling, wardrobe management & refinement, and personal shopping since 1998.

More times then none we find ourselves searching for creative things to do during Quarantine. Take some ” No Sew Mask” DIY tips from TristinStyling .

TristinStyling is a Chicago-based life styling company specializing in fashion styling, wardrobe management & refinement, and personal shopping since 1998. Servicing a nationwide clientele, we additionally connect you with our team of diverse professionals to bring full-service solutions toward a more fulfilling sense of every day presence.

Extra strings in this tutorial are for the Filter Pocket Upgrade Tutorial located here: And for another upcoming DIY NO SEW FACE MASK

Level21 will be donating mask to essential workers in the Charlotte NC Area. Please contact [email protected] If you are an essential worker. Limited Supply.

According to TrinaStyling Fabric face coverings are used to keep people who are ‘well’ from touching from their face, as well as an additional precaution to HELP prevent spread of viruses when worn by asymptomatic individuals… Masks NEVER replace the ultimate preventative practice of hand washing and when necessary, social distancing ——-

More info available on the CDC website at:… ——- After making your mask:

1 ) Always wear a clean mask

2 ) Apply to face with clean hands

3 ) Once the mask is on, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE OR THE MASK

4 ) If you have a runny nose, depending on how long you’re going to be out, bring multiple masks (in a clean ziplock bag) to change into just in case moisture begins to build up

5 ) When removing the mask, wash hands then remove the mask only by the ear loops.

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