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With the spread of the Coronavirus, and the announcement that the situation has become a national emergency, it is safe to say that day to day life has been and will continue to be impacted for the foreseeable future. Many workplaces are closing their doors and opting to have employees work from home where possible, while others are stopping business completely. For those who are still showing up, many are still practicing social distancing in order to slow down the rate in which this virus can spread.

While this global crisis is weighing heavily on communities socially, and financially in many cases, those taking part in self quarantine may find that it curbs their anxieties to utilize this time of isolation to focus on the self. Daily life can be incredibly busy, and often it can be hard to find time to take a breath, and the act of social distancing could function as an opportunity to simply relax.

While the idea of riding out a pandemic may seem scary, there are plenty of ways to have a healthy and even productive quarantine.

If your job or school isn’t requiring you to be physically present, use the opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. Reach out to those you love who you don’t get to see or speak with often.

With many spending countless hours at home, take some time to get organized. We all have that junk closet that desperately needs cleaned, or a wardrobe that needs to be reassessed. And if you’re working from home, use the time alone to get ahead while you are free from distraction.

Social distancing also gives us the opportunity to pursue hobbies that we may not always have time for, or to take up new ones. Use this time to try something you otherwise never would have.

For those who worship, or attend other spiritual gatherings, on a weekly basis you may be feeling a void during this time of social distancing without having your given community to lean on. Take this time of isolation and try to instead focus on your spirituality on an individualized level, and understand that your community will still be there.

And, whether you are spiritual or not, you can still take time to focus on your individuality and become closer to yourself. Whether that be bettering yourself through independent learning, or indulging in your favorite pastimes, take some time to be selfish while you are being selfless.

While some are able to utilize this time of isolation to their advantage, it is important to also remember that there are many who are not. Many are not financially prepared for a crisis such as this, so remember that if you are in a position to help someone in need, please do.

Self quarantining presents an opportunity to self reflect, but it also has fostered a sense of community for those taking part. Self quarantining keeps you safe, and it keeps more venerable populations safe as well. While the Coronavirus is particularly dangerous for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, it is less so for young and healthy people. This, however, is an opportunity to practice empathy toward our fellow humans, by keeping ourselves healthy, because even though some of us may be able to fight off the virus, we could pass it to those who may not be able to.

This self quarantining slows down the rate in which the Coronavirus is contracted, which helps to “flatten the curve,” meaning cases are few enough at one time to keep from overwhelming our healthcare system.

The Center for Disease Control recommends “remaining out of congregrate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.”

While there is currently no vaccine for the Coronavirus, there are ways to avoid contracting it. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. While soap and water is preferred, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is the next best option. Also avoid touching your face as much as possible.

Disinfect frequently touched surfaces as often as possible, such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

It is also paramount that if you are feeling sick, stay at home or seek medical attention.

Photo Source: Forbes

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