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Taking A Loss: Building Business Success from 5 Common Ownership Mistakes


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Are mistakes a bad thing? Can they truly kill your business? Well, sometimes yes, but also no. It just really depends on the mistake and the severity. But you know what? Every single business owner makes a mistake, not just one, but multiple. Even some of your favorite businesses right now probably started off with plenty of mistakes. So you don’t have to think of these as some kind of boogeyman. 

But with that said, are there mistakes that first-time business owners make that are pretty common? Well, whether you’re in the business of art or not, you need to learn that everyone makes mistakes. These don’t always have to be some make-it-or-break-it deal. But with that said, here are some common mistakes that first-time business owners often make!

Lack of Market Research

One of the most common mistakes first-time business owners make is inadequate market research. Honestly, you have no choice but to do this- no matter how boring this might be. Understanding your target audience, competitors, and industry trends is crucial for making informed decisions. You just can’t have a business without it. So, be sure to invest time in thorough market research to identify gaps, preferences, and potential challenges that may arise.

There’s No Road Map

Even if it’s too much work, every business idea needs it. You can’t really become a business if you don’t have this. So, a business plan serves as a roadmap for your venture, outlining your goals, target market, competition analysis, financial projections, and marketing strategy. As you can tell, it’s a lot of stuff, but you need to know all of this, yes, all of it! Some first-time business owners make the mistake of neglecting this critical step. A well-structured business plan not only guides your business activities but also attracts investors and lenders (if you need lending).

Penny Pitching

Wanting to start out with only free marketing tools, only free software, avoiding business liability insurance like Tivly because of the small costs, not hiring employees (or freelancers), not updating equipment, freeloading where it’s possible, and the list can go on and on. While yes starting up a business is massively expensive, you have to invest. Businesses will only fail if they refuse to invest, so is that really going to be worth it for you?

Overlooking Compliance

You can’t use the excuse “I didn’t know” because it doesn’t work for the government. So, you need to know that compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is critical for the longevity of your business. Ignoring necessary permits, licenses, and compliance with tax regulations can lead to legal issues. Yes, this is surprisingly a very common mistake that a lot of businesses keep falling for! It might be pricey, but you seriously need to consult with legal professionals to ensure your business adheres to all relevant laws and regulations.

Not Doing Enough for Brand Awareness

Many first-time business owners underestimate the significance of marketing in the success of their venture. Effective marketing builds brand awareness, attracts customers, and drives sales. Invest in a well-thought-out marketing strategy that includes online and offline channels, social media, and customer engagement to create a strong brand presence. While sure, it’s so much work, you have to do this. 

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