There are a host of reasons you might be looking to get a new job. It could be that you’ve just qualified and you are now ready to be in your first position within this field. It might be that you’re bored of your current position and want to try something new, or maybe you just want to work for a different company. No matter what the reason is, going for a new job can be a daunting experience and one you want to be prepared for. In this article, we take a look at some top tips for getting a new job that should help you to be more prepared.
Before the interview stage:
This can be the more difficult stage as you’re essentially cold-calling out to businesses and trying to make yourself stand out among the crowd. We recommend taking your time here and not rushing the application process. Think carefully about the jobs you want and why you’re applying for them. This can help to shine through when companies are looking for who to hire. Here are some top tips for before the interview stage.
Update your CV and tailor it to the position you’re applying for
While you might have a CV, it’s vital you tailor it to the position you’re applying for. While you might want to document achievements or courses from years back if they’re not relevant to the job you’re after, they provide little use. Instead of completely removing them from the CV, you can play around with the wording and think about what things you did in that role that could be applicable to the jobs you’re applying for. For example, if you worked in an admin role but you’re going for a marketing position, you could state how it helped perfect your grammar skills and eye for detail.
Ensure your online presence is professional
We all have an online presence nowadays, in fact it’s more important that you do have one than you don’t. Most employers will take a look at your name online and see what they think of you based on this image they find. To make sure you come across as professional, ensure your Linkedin profile is up to date and that you have any old, embarrassing photos from years back hidden on private albums on Facebook! You don’t need an employer digging up pictures from your girls trip to Mafaluf back in 2014! Google your name and have a little search to see what they might find when they do this just to be on the safe side.
Get the relevant qualifications and skills you need for the job
Different jobs require certain qualifications and skill sets so you want to ensure you’re up to date in these. If it came to it and there were two ideal candidates for a position and one already had the training needed to start right away, chances are they would get the job over the other. From a BLS certification if you’re applying for a medical job, to an NCTJ journalism accreditation, do your research and find what you need and use this to give yourself some leverage. Plus it’s never a bad thing to be in the know!

Take your time with applications
Applying for jobs can be tedious, we’ve all been there. You feel as though your soul is slowly being sucked out of you as you send application after application only to not hear anything back. While this can be the case, your chances of success will be much higher if you spend the time to really work on your application. Sending something generic out to every company you see is a sure fire way to prevent you from getting noticed. They often feel if you haven’t made the effort to apply properly, why would they make the effort to hire you?
Follow up on your application
Once you’ve sent an application off, don’t just leave it there to get lost in with all of the others. Instead, take the time to follow up. You could find someone in the team on Linkedin and pop them a message, or just send an email to the same person that you sent the application to in the first place. This can help to bump your email to the top of the pile and also show you’re keen and interested.
Be flexible with the jobs you apply for
When applying for jobs, it can feel very competitive. With this in mind, make sure you’re not too particular about certain things and prepare to be flexible. For example, you might want a remote only role, but if your dream job requires you to go in for a couple of times a week, it might be worth considering adopting to this. You should also be flexible with the exact role you apply for – if it’s the company you’ve always wanted to work for but the role is slightly different, it’s worth getting your foot in the door and then finding out about working your way up.
Once you get an interview:
Once you’ve secured an interview that’s fantastic! While you might feel initially elated, you then need to look at what you’re going to do to secure the job. While it might feel like the hard part is done, you need to properly prepare for the interview so you go in there with a clear head and the best chance of getting the position you want. Keep on reading for some tips that should hopefully help you feel prepared and impress those that are doing your interview! It will all be worth it in the end!
Research the company in depth
The last thing you want is to get into your interview and feel unprepared. To stop this from happening, extensively research the company you’re going for, from the year they started, to their core values and what exactly they do. Use this knowledge to then apply to any questions you might ask, or that they might ask you. Many interviews include a question to test you on your knowledge of the company you’re interviewing for, so it’s best to be ready for this to avoid getting flustered and not being able to answer it.
Have questions ready to ask the interviewer
Many interviews will conclude with you being asked if there are any questions you have to ask. While this might seem innocent enough, many employers want you to ask questions as this shows your interest and thoughts about the company. Some questions you could ask include about what their experience at the business is like, if there is any career progression and what the holiday is like. Try and have at least two questions ready to ask. Also, if they offer you a drink at the start of the interview, it’s always polite to say yes and will prevent you from having a dry mouth too!
Practise your interview skills
Interviewing isn’t something we tend to do all the time, so it’s a good idea to practise your skills. You could ask a friend or family member if they wouldn’t mind questioning you and speaking to you about what job it is that you’re applying for. By doing this, you can feel more confident in what you’re going to do when in the room. You can also look online for videos that have interview tips and should help you to conduct yourself more confidently and professionally when in the interview.

Dress to impress
The outfit you wear has a big impact on how you present yourself. You want to look smart, presentable and like you’re a good fit for the job. Ensure you have smart shoes on as your feet are the first thing people notice and make sure your hair is tidy too.
Plan your route ahead of time
It’s hard to tell how long a route will take for an interview and the last thing you want is to be late. Even if you’ve looked up online where you’ll go, allow yourself plenty of extra time for delays. Things such as car mishaps or public transport being unreliable could happen so you want to be ready.
These are just a few things you can do that can help you to prepare for applying for a job and also once you get an interview. It can be a tough world out there, particularly in today’s market, so you want to do what you can to be prepared and give yourself the best chance of success. It can be very disheartening if you apply for lots of positions and don’t get a response, but you need to keep on going, applying and just remembering that all the hard work will pay off in the end! Keep in mind that it’s nothing personal and everything happens for a reason. What are some of your top tips for getting a new job that you have found works in the past? Let us know in the comments below, we would love to hear from you.