9 times out of 10 what you’re going through is not something so unusual that no one would understand you or have compassion for you, not even if it’s just a mental health issue, even your delusions can be relatable, take it from me, a self-help blogger online. Sometimes in trying to make sense of our emotions we will justify our feelings as being caused by things we don’t have hard evidence for like: worry, fear, or paranoia, we’ve all been there. Remember it’s a feeling, not a fact. Even if you don’t know what’s causing you to feel a certain way, always have faith that everything happens for a reason, you may not see the lesson in what you’re experiencing in life but once you get through it it becomes a credential for being able to help others, why is that?
I think it’s innate, that once you’ve figured out something for yourself you’ll want to talk to others about that experience in life in case it helps anyone else get through their troubles in life. In todays world social responsibility has taken its toll on our public conscious, to the extent that when something bad happens we not only feel bad for those affected but we also feel a sudden responsibility to do something to help a situation or the people involved, and social media can make life seem that way, all apart of, an ongoing conference table discussion of how tos, life advice, in which problem solvers thrive and dedicate their time to keeping themselves up to date with what others have to say not just stand alone in their minds about things. There’s a lot of benefit to that curiosity to want to help others but not knowing how. In fact, “seek[ing] out a Like-Minded Community,” has been suggested by lifehack.org.
Difficult emotions have taken center stage online when it comes to the day to day advisements we get online and from social media. We really aren’t alone in this. When it comes to managing difficult emotions one of the first steps to begin coping requires us to identify those emotions and do our best to make sense of those feelings and investigate why we are feeling that way. Sometimes it’s hard to do this on our own and if not through therapy or journaling, many turn to social media to disclose how they are feeling for feedback. It always helps to get a like every now and then, if you’re brave enough to share what you think and feel and be out in the open about a difficult emotions. Encouragement and positive reinforcement always helps. According to one website, “Being socially connected to others can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to your life.”
Don’t put off how you’re feeling, the sooner you establish a system for coping with those feelings and emotions, the less likely you are to bottle up, and have that emotion pour out into other aspects of your life. Best you can do is contain that emotion, and do your best to deflect attention away from it when focusing on something else you could be doing for yourself in the positive such as work and exercise. Worry less about the need to have “control” over what your experiencing and invest more time and energy into how you’re going to cope with that feeling. You may not be able to see the end of the road while in the thick of things, but you’ll feel better having dealt with a complex feeling rather than let those feelings fester and beat yourself up over things. Remember it’s not always your fault for how you’re feeling (and sometimes we won’t adjust no matter what meds we take) most bad feelings can convince us we must be guilty of something, retrace your steps, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Take it one day at a time. Don’t let your emotions convince you you’re a bad person or have done something wrong, just because you don’t feel good doesn’t mean you’re responsible for why you don’t feel good, so don’t give yourself too much credit for the days when you just don’t feel like yourself. We all fall out of focus from time to time, life can be overwhelming, evolving with the times and technology is a process. Note that, “Through mindful acceptance you can embrace difficult feelings with compassion, awareness, and understanding towards yourself” you don’t have to do this alone, look for resources when trying to cope, and stop trying to figure out everything on your own! Reach out for help.
For every wall you put up, eventually you or someone you know or meet in life will help you to take down that wall. While putting up walls around us we assume they will protect us from being hurt in life, it actually makes us more isolated and more susceptible to being hurt and feeling hurt. How can you experience the positive things that life has to offer when you shut yourself off from the world. You can convince yourself that a lot of things are true when you’re alone too much, it’s with others we become less judgmental and more accepting of ourselves, why is that? When you realize that it’s not only you struggling to make sense of life and see how equally enthusiastic others are for solving their problems, you start realizing the possibilities for healing and making progress, don’t be so rigid and uptight about the rules you set for yourself in life, forgiveness goes a long way even for yourself, as well as having compassion for those you don’t completely understand and/or bothered by. When you value yourself you fear less and become less affected by others. It’s always okay to see the good in others and especially in yourself, positivity goes a long way.