We’ve all been there, whether it’s a fight with family, friends, or a bad breakup, this can leave you feeling alone and in repair. It’s common to feel like things are not your fault and blame others for your feelings, be careful of developing a distorted perception. Learn to accept some fault, set aside your ego, and play dead, rather than pretending like everythings okay on your end. We need people, so if all it takes is some forgiveness, and realization on our part, to do a better job of being a good daughter, friend, or lover, then do your best to fulfill goals in life that will help to improve your relationships with them, and your relationship with yourself. A huge part of having balance in life, is to be happy for others, happy with yourself, and to make others happy in general, who wants to be the sore subject in the room. Face your fears and inadequacies in life, and if these people mean something to you, then do your best to let them know how much they mean to you, by actually listening to them, rather than give the cold shoulder to criticisms in life, which can end up doing you more harm than good. Everything within reason, find your balance, and be kind to yourself most of all.

Why do we push love away when we need it most? Let your defenses down. People with a defensive posture tend to push love away more than they accept loving energy into their life it’s like it ticks them off or makes them uncomfortable. Finding your professional happy medium is what it takes to be more comfortable around others and to allow for others to be more comfortable with you. Sometimes even without “conscious awareness, individuals respond without understanding what caused them to react.”
For example, “painful childhood experiences, fears of abandonment and feelings of loneliness from the past,” are all reasons why we are afraid to accept love into our lives and stay alone longer than is necessary to heal from any of our traumas past. It’s in being alone that we miss out in life especially in terms of having loving relationships in which we enjoy being with others and enjoy being ourselves with them.

Arguments happen, the goal is to reconnect again with your loved ones, friends, or partner, so how to go about things … try to be more understanding of one another and talk things out, unless you cant, then journal and work through your thoughts, the quicker you can allow for it to dissolve the better. Turn your attention toward gratitude what you appreciate about others what you value about those you love, instead of complaining. Welcome people back into your life, and learn how to break the ice. We have all gone through difficult times, handle things in stride and don’t forget to have a sense of humor, don’t take yourself too seriously in life.
Learn to cultivate kindness, there’s so much comradere in doing well in life, feeling apart of something. It’s the energy you put out into the world is the energy that you get back. I’ve always wondered about those people who have quick conversations at Starbucks, not until they knew my name and started talking to me asking how things are going. It’s actually a nice feeling when people know who you are or are excited to hear about your day and your plans in life, don’t be shy to open up and be able to talk about yourself in the positive.

In romantic relationships, think, here’s a person “experiencing life alongside us,” someone we want to share inspiring and intimate moments with feeling good by one another. Sounds easy but it’s not, not when you’re fighting, or too busy to see one another. You build that bond that you want with others, it’s you that needs to warm up to people and work towards the closeness that you want from a relationship. It’s not just their job to be close to you and open up, it’s both of your jobs. If there’s one person on your team non stop it’s your partner immune to controversy, unconditional loving, blind to your weaknesses, and hopeful for your future, this is something we all desire in a companion even if you’re both in the struggle. Remember those that love you are with you always, not against you in life.