Podcasts were a thing of the past, with millions of tv shows and movies at the tips of our fingers. Why would we just want to listen to someone talk? Podcasts are essentially just radio shows, and as we know radio died a long time ago. But perhaps there is some solace we have found in podcasts that Tv can provide. Sitting back and just listening to someone telling you a story or simply their opinions can take you away from the chaotic world of media for a few minutes. Here are 5 of my favorite podcasts:
1) Crime Show
My current favorite podcast is a Crime show, a Gimlet production, hosted by Emma Cortland and enjoyed by many. As a true crime junkie, this show has satisfied all my true crime cravings, unlike most crime podcasts it doesn’t just focus on murder. While listening to Crime Show you will hear about every type of crime imaginable, even some you couldn’t imagine. But what makes this show truly incredible is the first-hand interviews with the victims, and perpetrators of these crimes. The production of this podcast is also superb from the inclusion of every little detail to the perfect use of different sound effects, and Crime Show is a serious masterpiece.

2) Start With This
Start with this is a podcast with a particularly niche market: writers that can’t think of anything to write about. Well it actually might not be that niche, seeing as every writer I’ve ever met has suffered from severe writer’s block anytime they try to put a pen to paper. However this podcast isn’t just for the writers, it’s for all types of creators, and anyone that needs inspiration. Each episode of Start With This leaves you with something to consume and something to create. Every episode has a guest writer who talks about the struggles of writing and creative ways to solve these problems. This podcast can help cure writer’s block but also just help the creative juices flow and get you thinking about life through a different lens.

3) Hit Parade: Music History and Trivia
Hit Parade is one of those podcasts that you put on while doing your nighttime routine or just cooking some dinner. Chris Molanphy hosts the show and his calming, almost fatherly tone, makes you feel like you’re in a sound bath learning about the greatest musicians from then and now. Listening to this podcast will help you develop skills and identify what makes a song a hit, a smash, or a bop. But more importantly, Hit Parade will make sure the next time you’re wearing a Beatles or Nirvana t-shirt and someone asks you some random questions about the band, you’ll be more than prepared.

4) Living Outside The Box
Living Outside the Box will bring even the most stressed person down to earth, Kayla and H.R cox are essentially just two hippies who have compiled a long list of life advice. They record this podcast while taking long walks through the nature that surrounds their full-time home, which is an RV, and talk about mindfulness and how to become more at peace with yourself. The podcast the pair has created makes it feel like you’re getting advice from the parents you always wish you had. Give them a listen if you’re in need of destressing!

5) Violating Community Guidelines with Brittany Broski and Sarah Schauer
This podcast is just an all-around good time, Broksi and Schauer explore the deepest darkest, and weirdest parts of the internet just to see what’s down there. This show brings light-heartedness and the somewhat frighting aspects of the internet together in an extremely funny way. In the words of Kira McComb, a longtime listener “it just makes me chuckle” and don’t we all need a podcast that just makes us chuckle a little?