Dr Stella Immanuel, is trending on social media after delivering a speech on COVID-19 cure on Monday during a news conference in Washington, Immanuel states that antimalarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and antibacterial drug, Zithromax, were effective cures for the virus. Doctor Stella Immanuel, a licensed pediatrician spoke during a news conference held by a group of doctors under the aegis of “America’s Frontline Doctors” in front of the United States Supreme Court in Washington DC. The doctors are holding a two-day “White Coat Summit” at the Capitol Hill to address what they call a “massive disinformation campaign” surrounding the virus. Immanuel successfully treated 350 patients with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. Why Hydroxychloroquine ? “So I came here to Washington DC to tell America nobody needs to get sick. This virus has a cure. It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. Immanuel dismissed experts’ warning that hydroxychloroquine could cause serious heart problems for coronavirus patients, citing her experience with the use of the drug. “I know you’re going to tell me that you treated 20 people, 40 people, and it didn’t work. I’m a true testimony. “I know you people want to talk about a mask. Hello? You don’t need mask. There is a cure. We have the 2005 Study Here, She speaks on during her speech. The following are excerpts of Immanuel’s speech: “Hello, I’m Dr. Stella Immanuel. I’m a primary care physician in Houston, Texas. “I actually went to medical school in West Africa, Nigeria, where I took care of malaria patients, treated them with hydroxychloroquine and stuff like that. “So I’m actually used to these medications. I’m here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID-19. Patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, old people … I think my oldest patients are 92 … 87 year olds. “And the result has been the same. I put them on hydroxychloroquine, I put them on zinc, I put them on Zithromax, and they’re all well. Hydroxychloroquine “For the past few months, after taking care of over 350 patients, we’ve not lost one. Not a diabetic, not a somebody with high blood pressure, not somebody who asthma, not an old person. “We’ve not lost one patient. And on top of that, I’ve put myself, my staff, and many doctors that I know on hydroxychloroquine for prevention, because by the very mechanism of action, it works early and as a prophylaxis. “We see patients – 10 to 15 COVID-19 patients, everyday. We give them breathing treatments. We only wear surgical mask. None of us has gotten sick. It works. “So right now, I came here to Washington DC to say, America, nobody needs to die. “The study that made me start using hydroxychloroquine was a study that they did under the NIH in 2005 that says it works. “Recently, I was doing some research about a patient that had hiccups and I found out that they even did a recent study in the NIH, which is our National Institute … that is the National … NIH, what? National Institute of Health. “They actually had a study and go look it up. Type hiccups and COVID-19, you will see it. They treated a patient that had hiccups with hydroxychloroquine and it proved that hiccups is a symptom of COVID-19. “So, if the NIH knows that treating the patient with hydroxychloroquine proves that hiccup is a symptom of COVID-19, then they definitely know that hydroxychloroquine works. “I’m upset. Why I’m upset is that I see people that cannot breathe. I see parents walk in, I see diabetic sit in my office knowing that this is a death sentence and they can’t breathe. And I hug them and I tell them, “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to live.” “And we treat them and they leave. None has died. So if some fake science, some person sponsored by all these fake pharma companies comes out says, “We’ve done studies and they found out that it doesn’t work.” I can tell you categorically it’s fixed science. “I want to know who is sponsoring that study. I want to know who is behind it because there is no way I can treat 350 patients and counting and nobody is dead and they all did better. “I know you’re going to tell me that you treated 20 people, 40 people, and it didn’t work. I’m a true testimony. So I came here to Washington DC to tell America nobody needs to get sick. “This virus has a cure. It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. I know you people want to talk about a mask. Hello? You don’t need mask. There is a cure. “I know they don’t want to open schools. No, you don’t need people to be locked down. There is prevention and there is a cure. “And let me tell you something, all you fake doctors out there that tell me, ‘Yeah. I want a double-blinded study’. I just tell you, quit sounding like a computer, double blinded. I don’t know whether your chips are malfunctioning, but I’m a real doctor. I have radiologists, we have plastic surgeons, we have neurosurgeons, like Sanjay Gupta saying, ‘Yeah, it doesn’t work and it causes heart disease.’ “I tell all of you doctors that are sitting down and watching Americans die. You’re like the good Nazi … the good one, the good Germans that watched Jews get killed and you did not speak up. Immanuel’s practice is listed as 6278 Highway 6 South Houston, she heads the Christian resource center right next door. Edited By: Emmanuel Yashim (NAN) Read Full article Sourced Here or BBC