Chanell Angeli is a successful woman to talk about! Her ambition and spiritual influence on her readers has given this generation a new meaning of hope and a feeling of comfort. Not only has she released several book titles, but she is also the founder of her own business, Melanin Mermaid. Beginning with the love for her daughter, a small spark was transformed into what is now the most popular natural hair and skin product franchise. She has blossomed into an upcoming author with a new release titled ‘Beside Still Waters’. Level21 magazine was able to take a closer look into the ideas and passion that is Chanell….
Tell us about yourself, where are you from?
I am from Miami Florida, born with Caribbean parents, my mother is from Barbados and my father is Jamaican so that culture is really engraved in me. I traveled a lot ever since I was a young child and I was always at the beach. My brand Melanin Mermaid was born from always being by the water and only started as a travel BLOG, when I was still selling swimsuits. It then morphed into an all natural product [company] once I had my daughter who has eczema. I wanted to create and find natural products to help her. This was an entire metamorphosis of going from a young single woman who traveled a lot and then falling into motherhood and finally returning back to myself and my spirituality. Therefore, I wrote my first book ‘Melt”, which is a meditation and massage guide under my Melanin Mermaid company.
What would you say your spiritual life is like? Did this provide a huge aspect to your story?
My spiritual life is my life. I don’t believe we are truly separate from that. I think now people really get caught up in work and day to day things and forget that they are a spirit traveling at this time; their body being a vehicle. I am always connected to God and the universe, I try to remember and live by this [aspect]. While the poetry [in my book] is really healing and introspective, there are those questions, ‘why are we here?’ and ‘what are we doing here’? That are presented in the poems. The main message I would like to get across is that “Everything is a lesson, even happy times. We are not victims, we are volunteers. No one is here by force, instead we are here for a reason. As well as being gentle with yourself as a woman, and not feeling guilty about your mistakes. Nor should you compare your life to other people and feel happy with your life and the path that you are on.
Did you have any past struggles in life that you would like to share? How did you grow from them?
I was going through a really bad break up five years ago, as well as becoming a single mother. Involving myself with my spirituality was my way of healing. As far as starting my own businesses, I have always been an ambitious person, working ever since I was twelve. What I have realized is that ambition is a gift and we are not all blessed with it. Some people are very comfortable and content with their lives, and they don’t have dreams or the bravery to pursue those dreams. As I grew, pursuing those dreams and conquering those ambitions was a way to rise above any struggle that I had. Meditation is also a large part of my life. I am a huge advocate and believe it should be taught in schools. Children should be learning it from a young age because coming from experience, growing up and dealing with work, school, and family, was very overwhelming and a lot of pressure for young people at that age. It was one of the toughest times of my life, and I wish I had meditation earlier to save me from that detachment and stress. Being able to use meditation and take a moment to step back and look over the situation is very helpful. I grew up Baptist, so I know that as a black woman or man, complaining about overwork or any struggle within mental health is seen as frowned-upon and that we should just suck it up and move on.
Why is the name of the book Titled Beside Still Waters
There is so much behind the title, for one, I am a Scorpio so I feel emotion deeply and hold space for others while they heal and share. I lived close to a very quiet lake and I would go there to write and to be cleansed. And Of course the bible verse, “He leaves me beside still waters”. My grandmother would read me the bible instead of bedtime stories.
Why was this book so important for you to publish?
This book is unique in a way its not. Especially when having kids and having such a large social media outlet, I was always private in what I shared in order to protect them. When I started my poetry journey, I realized the emotions that came from each poem of pain and triumph. After I would read one, I would look up from the page and see people in tears. That was when I realized that your words trigger and hit people in different ways. While you are healing and writing, you are sharing that story and helping someone else go through their journey. It’s almost as if you are handing them your key to open up. Even though your words on a page travel to places you aren’t able to, they can give that reader so many strong emotions.
What advice would you give to writers hoping to walk in your footsteps?
Just Do It. I read a quote when I had writers block one time and it has stuck with me ever since. “Inspiration will come to you, but it has to find you with pen in hand next to the paper. Writing every day is crucial, even in the morning and night before you go to bed. Some of those entries that might start out as a diary could turn into a poem. Write every single day!
What other projects do you have coming up?
I will be participating in a full moon circle group in Atlanta that is a time for people to gather and manifest our dreams and journal. They will be given skills to cope with anxiety and depression. I am also doing a Mommy and Me even right before school starts and releasing a motivational journal for the upcoming year.
How can people reach you, or follow you as well as find Revive the Soul?; I do a weekly featured poem as well as a monthly subscription so make sure to Subscribe!
@Chenallangeli_ on Instagram / Melaninmeriads on Facebook
Make sure to check out Chanell on her social media and be on the look out for her new book Beside Still Waters.